Please Contact National Sikh Forum Coordinator for more details:
Manjinder Singh
0481 200 545
Please Note: Last date for registration is 15th March 2024. Please follow the link below to submit a brief overview of your topic along with your contact details:
Topic Guidelines –
- Main focus should be to reach the Australian people.
- Topics must contain issues faced by Australian Sikhs in Australia.
- Goal of Sikh Forum is to share, broadcast and showcase the work of the Australian Sikh community.
- Single person is only allowed a maximum of 20 minutes for a topic.
- No speakers from overseas other than New Zealand citizens are allowed in the Sikh Forum.
Theme of 2024 Sikh Forum – Instilling Core Values of Sikhism In Our Next Generation
- Basics/Core Values of Sikhism.
- How do we define the core values.
- How do we teach the core values.
- Australia wide plan to teach core values in a consistent manner.
- Positive portrayal of Sikhs – Core Sikh Values.
- Why is Sikh Youth moving away from Gurdwaras.
*Topics are not limited to the list.
Sikh Forum
Sikh Forum registration